We know cell phone use while driving is unsafe, but still do it
Who doesnêt know that using a hand held device, such as cell phone, while drving is unsafe and illegal in many juristdictions? Just the same, Americans in large number talk on cell phones while driving even though they know itês dangerous. The same goes for reading or sending texts, posting to social media, or doing personal grooming.
Seven in 10 people told Harris Polls that talking on a hand-held cell phone while driving is dangerous, but just 36 percent said talking on a hands-free phone is even though many studies have refuted the idea that hands-free is any safer. Even so, three-fourths of drivers with cell phones say they talk on it while driving, and two in 10 do so frequently. Nearly half read text messages, and more than one-third of drivers with smartphones or tablets use them while driving.
Just about all of us 94 percent know itês unsafe to drive after drinking, but 37 percent say they have driven when they have likely had too much to drink.
And those are just the ones who admitted their distracted driving behavior to a pollster.
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