WANADA has quality entry-level technicians available for hire today!
WANADAs Automobile Dealer Education Institute (ADEI) NATEF Certified Technician Training Program has eight quality entry-level technicians available for hire today. The technician trainees, recent graduates from area high school automotive programs, as well as people with experience at independent repair shops, all have clean driving records and have passed ADEIs screening process without a hitch.
The ADEI Technician Training Program consists of four semesters of progressive technical training in brake and suspension repair, electrical systems, engine diagnostics and engine performance in a combination of classroom and mentored on-the-job training at participating dealerships. In Maryland, the students attend class one full day per week at Montgomery College with ADEIs NATEF Certified instructor. In Virginia, the students attend selected classes at Northern Virginia Community College campuses in either Alexandria or Manassas.
ADEIs nationally recognized program has educated over 240 students, the majority of whom remain employed with WANADA dealer members, engaged as skilled and productive line technicians.
WANADA dealers looking for promising technician talent, or more information on ADEI Technician Training are encouraged to contact Billy Painter or Wil Desjardin of the association staff who field monitor the program at (202) 237-7200 or bp@wanada.org or wd@wanada.org, respectively.
More information about the program can also be found at www.adei-programs.org
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