Vaccine Rollout Program Ramping Up Across Region

Slowly but surely, COVID-19 vaccinations are going into more and more arms across the country, and governments across the region are gradually expanding access to a wider range of residents. You can visit the vaccination resource pages in the District of Columbia, Maryland, and Virginia for the latest information.

Currently, all three jurisdictions are in their own versions of phase 1B. In the District and Virginia, this means that residents over the age of 65 are eligible to be vaccinated, along with adults with underlying medical conditions, and a broader classification of frontline essential workers. Most of the same groups are currently eligible to register for vaccination in Maryland, though the broad age cutoff is currently at 75 years old. Gov. Larry Hogan said last week that adults aged 65 to 75 will be able to register as soon as next Monday.

Essential transportation workers, which will include retail and service staff at auto dealerships, are classified as being part of phase 1C in Virginia, and phase 2 in Maryland. It is WANADA’s understanding that, under Virginia’s phase 1C, employers will be able to secure vaccination vouchers on behalf of their employees, which can help streamline the process for workers who may reside outside of the county (or state) in which they are employed.

Maryland has not yet released specifics on employer vaccination vouchers for those who qualify for phase 2 vaccinations, but we anticipate that they will do so in the coming weeks. It is also unclear at this time as to what impact President Biden’s administration, and his expressed willingness to invoke the Defense Production Act to speed up production, will have on the current supply of vaccines.

Given that most vaccines in Maryland and Virginia will be disbursed at the county/health district level, we encourage you to visit Virginia’s health district vaccination page, and the COVID vaccine resources in Montgomery and Prince George’s counties. Across the region, residents who do not yet fit the criteria for the vaccine may still pre-register to be notified when they become eligible.

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