The merry, merry month of MayÄ
As the popular Disney jingle puts it in song, May is, indeed, a merry, merry month putting an end to April showers — that bring May flowersãdelivering balmy, delightful weather, with the promise of summer just around the corner. There are also a bucketful of holidays those that are playful, commemorative, and serious.
If youêre a socialist or communist, for example, May 1st May Day– is your Labor Day; if youêre Hawaiian, May 1 is Lei Day.
Cinco de Mayo, May 5, commemorates the Republica de Mexicoês defeat of Emperor Napoleon IIIês of France in his failed attempt to conquer Mexico in 1862. Not Mexicoês independence day, as it is sometimes thought to be, Cinco de Mayo has become more important in the U.S. than Mexico where celebrating it affords revelers the excuse to bar hop and over imbibe, much the same way they do here on other ethnic holidays like St. Patrickês and Octoberfest.
May 8, 1945 — 70 years ago this year — was VE Day marking the Alliesê victory in Europe over Nazi Germany and the Axis Powers in World War II.
May 10, 2015, the second Sunday of this month, is Mothersê Day where Americans will get the opportunity, as they do each year, to celebrate and remember the most important women in their lives.
May 25, 2015, the last Monday of the month, is Memorial Day, the national holiday when Americans pause to remember and commemorate the brave men and women who made the ultimate sacrifice by giving their lives for their country.
For many Christians, not all, May is the month where Mary, the mother of Jesus, is venerated in churches and elementary schools with heartwarming traditions like childrenês May Processions.
And while WANADA historically has held its Annual Golf Outing/Open in May, this year organizers missed it, but only by a few days: itês Wednesday, June 3 at the beautiful Lansdowne Resort, Leesburg, Va. For information on early foursome and dinner reservations, contact Kathy Teich at (202) 237-7200,
Enjoy this great month, and if you were fortunate enough to get married in May, there is no excuse to forget your anniversary, ever!
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