Supporting Our Members During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Beyond the very scary and real health threat facing all of us, the COVID-19 pandemic has created an unprecedented series of challenges for business owners and workers across the country and the world. In this difficult time for all of us, WANADA has created a robust COVID-19 information page, which features a full range of important resources for dealers and suppliers alike.

On the information page, you will find dozens of useful links, including information on state and local ordinances around social distancing and workplace safety requirements, a full archive of the communications WANADA has sent to member dealers during this crisis, information on state and federal loans and grants available to impacted businesses, and much, much more.

WANADA will continue updating this page frequently, likely multiple times per day, throughout this crisis with the latest details and guidance on how dealers and suppliers can make the best choices to support their business and their workers during this difficult time.

WANADA staff will continue to work remotely during this crisis; please refer to the staff directory to find email contact information for every employee. Anyone with questions related to insurance or benefits should visit the WANADA employee benefits and insurance trust info page, while inquiries about association or dealership operations should be directed to Joe Koch at

WANADA and its member dealers have been a staple of the Washington area for over a century – through the Great Depression, World War II, the Cold War, the Great Recession, and other immensely difficult times for this country. We will all get through this together, if we make the right choices and prioritize the safety and security of our customers and our employees. Our office is working around the clock to support our members through this uncertainty, and we will continue providing high-quality, responsive services long after this crisis abates.

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