Show Your Support for the Auto Show!

With retail automotive sales predicted to weaken over the next year, it’s never been more important to support your local auto show. The Washington, DC Auto Show supports your business in multiple ways. Not only does the show help provide a sales boost in the first quarter of each year, but the revenue helps to pass helpful legislation and fight potentially harmful bills.

We are calling on each of you to assist us in preparing for next year’s show. The manufacturers listen to you, their dealers, more than any other single voice. It is no understatement to say that you can have a profoundly positive impact in how the brands you sell are represented at the region’s largest indoor event.

To assist you, the WANADA staff has prepared a number of short documents that you can circulate with your OEMs. Please encourage them to support the show with vehicles and tier 1 displays in 2024.

Please feel free to reach out to the WANADA staff if you have any questions or would like additional information.  John O’Donnell ( or Joe Koch ( would be happy to assist in any way. The Washington, DC Auto Show is the best way your association supports retail sales in the first quarter of every year, and we have excellent data to support the fact that show attendees are informed shoppers on a mission to purchase vehicles.  After all, where else are interested buyers paying money to come look at your products!?

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