Washington-area NADA members will be selecting a regional director this year, and WANADA encourages all our eligible member dealers to participate. Geoff Pohanka has served the metro Washington, D.C. district admirably as the regional NADA director, and now represents the interests of regional dealers as the chair of the association’s Industry Relations Committee.
Geoff Pohanka is running for another term as director and, with that in mind, NADA will be soliciting nominations for regional directors in the coming weeks. All NADA members in the metro Washington region should receive a nomination ballot in the mail no later than June 12; please complete and return the ballot in short order, so that it is received (as opposed to postmarked) before July 3. Members will only be able to nominate one person.
All nominees who receive at least 10 percent of the total votes cast will then be placed on the general election ballot; those will be mailed to metro Washington members at the end of July, with a requirement that the completed ballot be received by NADA no later than August 21. If only one member is nominated, the general election will be cancelled and that nominee will serve the upcoming three-year term.
WANADA thanks Geoff Pohanka for his service to the Washington area’s new auto dealers on the national board, and we encourage all eligible member dealers to participate in this year’s election process.
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