Montgomery College Donates Toolboxes to WANADA ADEI Apprentice Technicians

Montgomery College (MC), where WANADA has trained dozens of apprentice technicians each year for several decades through the Automobile Dealer Education Institute (ADEI), recently made a significant contribution to benefit ADEI apprentices.  Using funds received as part of the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA), MC gifted each WANADA student with a brand new Blue Point toolbox and a starter set of tools.  Since WANADA provides each apprentice with a $500 voucher for the purchase of new tools, those funds could be instead be applied toward additional tools the apprentice may need on the job.  Ed Roberts, Dean of Applied Technologies, and Mike Carretta, Program Director for the college’s automotive programs, visited several dealerships with WANADA President & CEO John O’Donnell and Vice President of Operations Joe Koch to personally deliver toolboxes to fifteen of the program participants.  WANADA extends its warmest thanks to MC for its continued partnership and the donation of these high-quality tools.

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