Md. MVA to dealers: historic vehicles must be inspected
The Maryland Motor Vehicle Administration sends this reminder to dealers after noting that some title transactions are being submitted or processed by dealerships for vehicles that qualify for historic registration (Class L) without a valid Maryland inspection certificate.
A Maryland dealership is required to have its vehicles inspected unless:
1. The vehicle is a truck (1 ton or larger), a tractor or a freight or semi trailer.
2. The vehicle is a motorcycle and is not manufactured for use on the road (e.g., less than 49 cc engine), or
3. The vehicle was sold for dismantling or rebuilding, certified by the Maryland dealer.
If the vehicle was previously registered as a Class L in Maryland, the inspection is not required, so long as the new owner completes the application for historic registration.
Starting December 1, 2015, if a title transaction is submitted for historic registration and was sold by a licensed Maryland dealership, the Maryland inspection certificate, or the e-inspection must be submitted with the title transaction. Any transaction submitted without an inspection to a branch office will be rejected. Any transaction processed via the ERT system without proper documentation may be subject to a registration violation.
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