Mask Mandates Around the Region

Following up on the e-blast WANADA distributed to the membership on August 6, here are the most recent mask mandate updates for the region:


Washington, DC

D.C. was the first area to reinstate an indoor mask mandate for public spaces in response to new CDC guidance that came down in late July. That mandate went into effect on July 31 and will continue until further notice.



While Governor Larry Hogan has committed to not effecting a statewide indoor mask order, Montgomery CountyPrince George’s County, and Charles County all have their own indoor mask mandates.



No statewide indoor mask mandates are in effect, except for in schools. Many localities are recommending that masks be worn indoors, but currently no Virginia cities or counties are making this a requirement. This is now becoming a hot-button topic amid the governor’s race in the Commonwealth, so future mandates will likely depend on which party comes out on top.