Dealers must send Medicare notice by October 15

Dealers must send Medicare notice by October 15

Before October 15, all employers with prescription drug benefits in their group health plan must provide an annual Notice of Creditable Coverage to all Medicare-eligible employees. This notice should inform the employee if the drug coverage offered through the group plan is as good as the benefits offered through Medicare Part D. The Notice of Creditable Coverage must be sent before October 15. Medicare D annual enrollment is October 15 through December 7.

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) have provided forms and instructions on the required notice to aid employers:

Instructions Click here.

Sample Letters Click here.

All employers are also required to provide an annual disclosure to the CMS stating whether the group plan provides prescription drug coverage that is creditable or non-creditable. This disclosure must be filed online Click here.

Please contact our team at WANADA (202-237-7200) should you have any questions about the annual Medicare Part D notices.

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