Auto Show attendees ride in and drive cars indoors

Experiential events at the 2019 Washington Auto Show were especially popular this year. At the Electric Drive Experience and Camp Jeep, trained stunt car drivers drove consumers around a test track. Camp Jeep offered a simulated all-terrain course, up and down stairs and over mounds.

On the Land Rover Test Drive Experience, with a simulated desert landscape, showgoers could drive themselves, with a professional driver coaching them in the passenger seat. Long lines formed for all three events.

At the Jaguar track, consumers could ride in an I-PACE EV, which boasts an impressive 394 HP and 512 ft/lb. of torque – showing that electrification and performance can definitely go together. Another interactive performance experience was Ford’s performance simulator, where showgoers could experience the feel of driving off road in the Ford Raptor, among other vehicles.

Consumers who wanted to drive an EV themselves could opt for the outdoor Ride and Drive experience and drive an EV on the streets around the Washington Convention Center. Many did exactly that, surprised to find out how quiet and like a “regular” car the EV is. The Electric Drive Experience, presented by EZ-EV and Exelon, included new vehicles by Toyota, Hyundai, Nissan and Audi. Mazda and Volkswagen also offered different models (not electric) in the Ride and Drive program.

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