Recent news from Pennsylvania shows that all dealers should have a social media policy. Pennsylvania Attorney General Josh Shapiro recently announced legal action against dealerships and salespeople in 11 counties for violations of consumer protection laws and deceptive advertising, stemming from the improper use of social media.
To prevent similar problems among Washington area dealers, auto dealer lawyer and WANADA Kindred line member Michael Charapp of Charapp and Weiss, LLP, strongly recommends that all dealers implement a social media policy. He has written a sample policy that WANADA published to members recently. If you did not receive a copy of the policy and would like one, please contact Kathy Teich at
Dealership management should design the social media policy with input from those in the dealership who use social media. Dealers should discuss the policy in detail with the store’s managers in charge of advertising, along with outside advertising consultants. This policy will set up a standard for salespeople to adhere to.
Mr. Charapp is available to discuss a social media policy with WANADA dealers by contacting him at or (703) 564-0220.
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