2018 Washington Auto Show Industry/Media Days launched this week with action-packed schedules

Industry Days for the 2018 Washington Auto Show (WAS) were eminently successful Tuesday and Wednesday of this week, Jan. 23 through Jan. 24 on Capitol Hill in DC, and onsite at the W.E. Washington Convention Center. Media Day rolled out yesterday, Thursday, Jan. 25 with a full day of OEM press conferences and media announcements at the W.E. WCC.

WAS MobilityTalks International kicked off with industry panel presentations from notable industry spokesmen in the Russell Office Building of the U.S. Senate, moving the next day to the Auto Show onsite, which featured among other things, a Senate Commerce Committee meeting amidst all the new vehicles, up and out and on display at the 2018 WAS.

WAS Media Day, Thursday, Jan. 25, featured a full array of new vehicle automaker announcements and press conferences from the floor of the Auto Show, complemented with keynote presentations by Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder and EPA’s Bill Wehrum, assistant administrator for air and radiation.

Media Day culminated with the Sneak Peek Preview onsite at the Auto Show for Washingtonian VIPs, and the Lifetime Achievement Award Dinner, honoring Automotive News Publisher Keith Crain.

The Washington Auto Show opens to the public today, commencing a ten day, two weekend run of consumer days at the W.E. Washington Convention Center.

The first of two Washington Auto Show reports will appear in the next WANADA Bulletin.  Stay tuned! For show highlights and various activity schedules at the Auto Show call the show office this weekend and next week at (202) 249-4060, or go to the website at www.washingtonautoshow.com

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