2017 Washington Auto Show is ready to go!

2017 Washington Auto Show is ready to go!

Final preparations for the 2017 Washington Auto Show are in full swing, with a packed schedule for several days before the Show opens to the public on Jan. 27. This year will see expanded MobilityTalks all day Tuesday, Jan. 24, and a half-day on Wednesday, Jan. 25.

The agenda on Tuesday in the W. E. Washington Convention Center features an extensive array of speakers state, national and international policy makers, engineers, regulators, researchers, members of the business community, and urban planners. On Jan. 25, MobilityTalks moves to the Russell Senate Office Building (Kennedy Caucus Room) on Capitol Hill for a symposium panel entitled, –It Depends on What the Regulators Do.” Participants will have an opportunity to experience autonomous vehicles both days with Ride and Drives scheduled at RFK Stadium. For more information, visit http://www.washingtonautoshow.com/mobilitytalks/.

Thursday, Jan. 26, is Media Day at the Walter E. Washington Convention Center, with a full day of press conferences featuring announcements from OEM exhibitors, government agencies and other notable industry commentators. Here is the schedule:

8:00 a.m. WAPA/IMPA Breakfast – East Salon/Grand Lobby

8:40 a.m. Welcome and Introductions – East Salon/Grand Lobby

9:00 a.m. Dinesh Paliwal, Harman keynote address – East Salon/Grand Lobby

9:35 a.m. Starship Grand Lobby

10:00 a.m. U.S. Army – L Street Bridge

10:20 a.m. Toyota Hall D

10:45 a.m. Jeep Hall E

11:00 a.m. Chrysler Hall E

11:30 a.m. Hyundai Hall C

11:50 a.m. VW Hall C

1:00 p.m. Green Car announcement West Salon/Grand Lobby

1:25 p.m. Private Policy Forum/NADA – East Salon/Grand Lobby

1:45 p.m. MEMA – East Salon/Grand Lobby

2:00 p.m. U.S. keynote – East Salon/Grand Lobby

2:35 p.m. ART of Motion Third Floor Ballroom

Watch Jamaal Lamaaj paint a 2017 BMW Mini

3:00-5:00 p.m. SAE Government/Industry Conference Plenary Session Room 145

–Smart Cities: What are They and How Do We Get There?” Room, TBA

5:00-8:00 p.m. Sneak Peek Preview Members of Congress, OEM operatives, regulator notables, WANADA dealers. Register through Kathy Teich, kt@wanada.org

Sponsors: American Fuel & Petrochemical Manufacturers (AFPM),

Auto Alliance, Global Automakers, NADA and Hargrove.

ART of Motion Third Floor Ballroom during Sneak Peek

(Watch Ed the Artist paint a 2017 Toyota Prius!)

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