WANADA Open is just three weeks away Register now!
When it finally starts to feel like springãwhich hopefully is soon– you will want to take advantage of it by attending the WANADA Open at the renowned Lansdowne Resort in Leesburg, Va. The date is Wednesday, June 8.
New this year, WANADA dealers may opt to be in an exclusive dealer versus dealer event in a play-your-own-ball format. Whether you sign up for the general tournament, or the dealer versus dealer, foursome positions on each course are limited, which is a good reason to register early!
Non-golfers, of course, are cordially invited to come for the networking cocktail reception and dinner. The event starts at 9 a.m. and ends after the Awards Dinner, scheduled to conclude by 7 p.m.
Sponsorships are still available: click here to view the opportunities. Contact Bob Storin, 202-237-7200 ext. 18, or rs@wanada.org, for more sponsorship information.
All WANADA members can register by clicking here. Direct questions about the Open to Kathy Teich, 202-237-7200 ext. 27, or kt@wanada.org.
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