WANADA will host a Certification Workshop for Finance and Insurance professionals at its headquarters in DC on June 19. The daylong workshop is a service of WANADA’s Automobile Dealer Education Institute (ADEI).
Laws to be covered include: Unfair and deceptive trade practices and fraud; currency transaction reporting; The Truth in Lending Act and Regulation Z requirements; consumer leasing and Regulation M; The Equal Credit Opportunity Act and Regulation B; The Fair Credit Reporting Act; The Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act; Magnuson-Moss Warranty Act, and The USA Patriot Act; and The Office of Foreign Assets Control. The workshop will also present best practices and legal information specific to Maryland and Virginia.
Participants will take a multiple choice exam at the end of the session and receive a compliance certification after passing the exam. Click here to register and pay by credit card, or check. For questions, contact Kathy Teich, kt@wanada.org or 202-237-7200.
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