WANADA dealers in the spotlight at NADA Convention

[I]WANADA dealers in the spotlight at NADA Convention[/I]

Time Dealer of the Year, Chip Lindsay, Lindsay Automotive

The Time Dealer of the Year Award is given annually at the NADA Convention to dealer leaders who have distinguished themselves in the automobile business, their industry and in their community. Dealer associations making up the Automotive Trade Associations network, which includes state and major metropolitan area dealer groups across the U.S. nominate members. And for WANADAs part. Chip Lindsay is the Time Dealer for the Washington area. Chip was among a select group of 57 Time dealers nationwide, all of whom were recognized at the NADA Convention first general session. Chip Lindsay also represented a first for WANADAs Time Dealers over the years being the association first third generation dealer

As with his father and grandfather, Chip was being honored with the Time Dealer Award as principal at Lindsay Cadillac in Alexandria, the flagship store in the Lindsay organizations portfolio of dealerships and franchises that also include Lexus, Chevrolet, Ford and Volkswagen at four other locations.

In addition to being a successful dealer, Chip has been an industry leader, heading up the Washington Auto Show in 2004, followed by service on the WANADA Board, which he chaired in 2012. He is still on the WANADA Board and also on the board of VADA and the Virginia Motor Vehicle Dealer Board.

Through the Lindsay group, Chip supports many organizations in the greater Washington community, including Autism Speaks, Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater Washington in Alexandria, Childrens National Medical Center, Marine Corps Scholarship Foundation, Mater Dei School, Georgetown Visitation, Georgetown Preparatory School, Catholic Charities and the Yellow Ribbon Fund, which helps injured service members and their families.

A graduate of the U.S. Naval Academy, Chip served as an officer in the Marine Corps prior to joining the family business.

Marisa Shockley, Shockley Honda was MADAs Time Dealer of the Year joining Chip Lindsay in the field of dealers receiving this high industry honor at the 2014 NADA Convention.

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