WANADA Automobile Business Seminar, Apr. 21, 2011

WANADA Automobile Business Seminar, Apr. 21, 2011

[I]Surviving a Factory Warranty Audit[/I]

Every dealership would like to think its warranty records can withstand the close scrutiny of a factory warranty auditor. But the fact is, a dealers ability to produce clean, auditable records likely has been diminished over the years. If this describes your dealership, take notice and take action!

WANADA is offering a workshop with warranty audit guru, Rob Campbell, who will provide a checklist of issues and actual problems that every dealership needs to hear about, regardless of when they last had a warranty audit. Its really not that hard to prepare for an audit, when you know what to look for, says Campbell, who has an extensive track record working with dealers. Join fellow dealers on April 21, 2011 at WANADA headquarters to learn the in-and-outs of preparing for and passing a factory warranty audit.

Presenter: Rob Campbell, dealership analyst, Mironov, Sloan & Parziale, LLC

Date: Thursday, April 21, 2011

Time: 9:30 am

Location: WANADA Headquarters

Tickets: $99/PP

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