WANADA Apprentice Tech Training Open House, May 2, Mont. College Opportunity to See Cutting Edge Program Firsthand

WANADA Apprentice Tech Training Open House, May 2, Mont. College

Opportunity to See Cutting Edge Program Firsthand

Once again this Spring, WANADA leadership is hosting a member update meeting for dealer principals and fixed operations managers on its eminently successful technician training program. As per the enclosed invitation, arrangements are set for Wednesday, May 2, 2007, from 9:30 am- 11:30 am at Montgomery College, Rockville, MD.

Changing the meeting venue to WANADAês Automobile Dealer Education Institute (ADEI) training facilities at Montgomery College will offer those interested in recruiting technician apprentices for their dealerships the opportunity to tour the facility, meet with the instructors and see, firsthand, the students in training.

At this meeting, WANADA will roll out all of the new and exciting enhancements to the training program. For example: before entering the ADEI, each student is given an assessment test, the results of which are shared with his/her dealer sponsor when the WANADA liaison visits the store.

This testing is not intended as a screening mechanism to exclude applicants from entering the ADEI, but rather to evaluate each studentês aptitude and to explain to the apprentice and sponsoring dealership how the apprentice can improve basic educational skills.

Montgomery College (MC) is now NATEF Certified, and the ADEI program is working on its own NATEF Certification, which should be accomplished this year.All of these steps will act to make ADEI technician development more aligned with the industry standards, to include ASE Technician Certification.

(Note: ADEI leaders are moving ahead to expand its tech training program at Northern Virginia Community College, too.)

WANADA has a solution to the technician shortage crisis with this program! Be there to hear about it on May 2nd.

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