WANADA Annual Meeting and Luncheon coming up

WANADA Annual Meeting and Luncheon coming up

The WANADA Annual Meeting and Luncheon takes place next week, on Wednesday, November 2. The event is at the Ritz-Carlton Tysons Corner, VA, with keynote speaker former U.S. Senator Scott Brown. Members and their guests will no doubt want to hear Senator Brownês views on the historic presidential election taking place a few days later. He will speak on the subject –Where is America Heading?” a timely topic to be sure.

Sen. Brown spent many years in the Massachusetts Legislature before being elected to Ted Kennedyês seat as the first Massachusetts Republican elected to the U.S. Senate in more than 40 years. In the Senate, he was a ranking member on the Armed Services Committee and the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs, and was a member of the Veterans Committee and the Committee on Small Business. In addition to his Congressional career, Sen. Brown was a popular contributor to Fox News and a New York Times best-selling author for his book Against All Odds.

The meeting will include a state of the industry and regional automobile business report from WANADAês leadership. Members will also elect WANADAês 2016 Board of Directors. WANADA members and dealer community friends are cordially invited to attend the Annual Meeting and Luncheon. To make reservations click here. Questions can be directed to Kathy Teich, kt@wanada.org, 202-237-7200.

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