VA MVDB REPORT: VA Dealer Board Considers Licensing, Record Keeping & Storage Issues

At its September 12, 2005 meeting, the Virginia Motor Vehicle Dealer Board (MVDB) took action on the following issues:

à Unlicensed Sales People. MVDB continued to hear two more cases involving unlicensed sales people. In the first, a dealer was given a civil penalty of $700 $100 each for seven transactions by an unlicensed sales person. In the second case, the lack of cooperation by the dealer leading to the imposition of a much larger civil penalty, $10,500 $500 each for 21 sales by an unlicensed sales person. Dealers are reminded that the Motor Vehicle Dealer Board can assess civil penalties of up to $1,000 per sale by an unlicensed sales person.

à Dealer Operator Test. New test questions for a dealer operatorês license have been created. There will now be a base of 135 questions from which 50 questions will be taken for each test.

à Record Keeping. MVDB considered two cases involving related dealerships alleging record keeping violations, which resulted in $8,500 in civil penalties against the dealer and the dealerships. MVDB members commented on the serious nature of the lack of record keeping, and the crack down by the Department of Motor Vehicles and the MVDB on temporary tag violations.

à Records Storage. MVDBês executive director reported on a number of instances in which he had granted the right to store records off site. He noted that MVDB regularly receives and approves requests from dealer groups to do central storage of records. However, MVDB does not permit out of state storage of records. All dealer records must be stored within Virginia.

The next meetings of MVDB and its committees were set for November 14, 2005.

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