The Trump administration is dropping another auto industry mandate, though this one was supported by many automakers: an Obama-era mandate requiring that all new light vehicles be equipped with vehicle-to-vehicle communication (V2V) within four years.
V2V communication is widely seen as a safety measure and is strongly supported by the National Safety Council. The technology would allow cars to transmit their speed, location, direction and other information to each other while driving the same stretch of road. It is also seen as a necessary step to automated vehicles.
The administration did not announce the change. Rather, administration officials told a couple of auto industry executives that the mandate had been put on the back burner, according to the Associated Press. The move can be seen as part of the Trump administration’s deregulatory thrust. The Obama mandate, issued in December, is opposed by the cable and technology industries because they don’t want to cede bandwidth on the 5.9 GHz spectrum band for auto industry use.
The Washington Auto Show’s Mobility Talks International symposium for the industry will include sessions on V2V communication. Click here for more information, including registration.
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