Thief Hitting Local Dealerships

A Montgomery County dealer member has alerted WANADA that an individual who hit several area dealerships this past summer is back at it. The individual takes a vehicle for a test drive and fails to return. He then takes dealer tags off other vehicles to use later. He sometimes drives one stolen vehicle to the next dealership.

The individual offers a Texas drivers license # 29637391, expires 09/22/08, in the name of Nathan Main, black male, 6ê 4”, DOB 09/22/73; 319 Sunlight Drive, Dallas, Texas 75230.

He previously used a Texas drivers license # 01495763, expires 10/23/08, in the name of Steve Audi, black male, 6ê 3”, DOB 10/23/75; 70 Mathews Street, Fort Worth, Texas 76134.

A Montgomery County Police Report # S04005464 is on file concerning this theft; contact the Montgomery County Police Auto Theft Unit, (301) 840-6160. If this individual comes into your dealership, you are advised to contact police immediately.

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