The Snow Hat keeps inclement weather away from the 2018 Washington Auto Show

As with most Washington Auto Shows over the past 68 years, 2018 was free of snow and winter weather capable of shutting down the DC area and the Auto Show has occurred in years past. The clear weather for the 2018 Auto Show was not a coincidence, however, but rather the result of the mythical powers of the famed Washington Auto Show Snow Hat. Since the 1950s, when Mike Murphy produced the Washington Auto Show for WANADA, the Snow Hat, has, for the most part, kept the snow away from the Auto Show.


“There were some years when forces of bad winter weather prevailed over the power of Snow Hat in DC and WANADA’s Auto Shows were closed,” recalled Gerry Murphy, Mike Murphy’s successor as Auto Show producer, and predecessor to John O’Donnell WANADA’s current Auto Show producer. “Why risk it?” queried John O’Donnell, who engaged Murphy to perform the traditional Snow Hat ritual with himself and Show Chairman John Ourisman as the Auto Show was opening to the public on Jan. 26. “We performed the Snow Hat ritual in keeping with longstanding tradition, and there was no snow on the 2018 show,” said chairman Ourisman. “Mission accomplished!” And, indeed, it was, 2018 being among the best attended Auto Shows in Washington’s history.

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