Stringfellow is 2017 WANADA chairman, with five dealers voted onto Board

Stringfellow is 2017 WANADA chairman, with five dealers voted onto Board

At the Annual Meeting part of the WANADA Luncheon, Charles Stringfellow of Malloy Hyundai took over from Dick Patterson, RRR Automotive as WANADA chairman. Five other dealers were elected to the WANADA Board for three-year director terms. They are: Chip Doetsch, Apple Ford/Lincoln (second term); Robert Farrell, Penske Automotive (new); Robert Fogarty, Jr., Sport Automotive (second term); James Gramm, Safford Automotive (who served on WANADAês Board prevously); and Dick Patterson, RRR Automotive, reelected as immediate past chairman.

The total slate was put forth by the Nominating Committee to the WANADA Membership at the Annual Meeting by Chip Lindsay, stepping in as acting chairman for Danny Korengold, who could not be there. Members voted –aye” by voice acclamation from the floor on the slate of directors recommended by the Nominating Committee. There were no –nays.”

The 2017 Executive Committee will be made up of Stringfellow, chairman; John Bowis, Chevy Chase Cars, vice chairman; Kevin Reilly, Alexandria Hyundai, secretary; Chip Doetsch, Apple Ford, treasurer; Dick Patterson, immediate past chairman; Ralph Mastantuono, Mercedes Benz Arlington and Mercedes Benz Alexandria, chairman, Insurance Committee; Geoff Pohanka, Pohanka Automotive, chairman, Washington Auto Show; and John OêDonnnell, president/CEO, WANADA.

The other directors constituting the 18 member WANADA Board are John Altman, Land Rover Alexandria; Lou Cohen, BMW Rockville; Jamie Darvish, DARCARS; Dottie Fitzgerald, Fitzgerald Auto Malls; Melanie Funkhouser, Fair Oaks Chrysler/Jeep/Dodge; Daniel Jobe, Capitol Cadillac; Alex Perdikis, Koons Ford/Silver Spring, and Tony Santy, Chesapeake Petroleum (Kindred-line representative).

Two 2016 Board members rotated off the Board at the meeting as Stringfellow thanked them for their service: Danny Korengold, Ourisman of Virginia, and Frank McCarthy, Sheehy Auto Stores. Board members are elected for three years and may run for a second consecutive three-year term.

Geoff Pohanka is also the NADA director for Metropolitan Washington. In that capacity, his role is to keep the Board informed of NADA business while keeping WANADA supportive of NADA leadership initiatives and programs. NADA has 58 geographic director seats plus several at large seats. In addition to WANADAês Metro Washington area represented on the NADA Board, there are several other major metro areas and all 50 U.S. states, with several states given more than one seat. WANADA director Daniel Jobe is also on the NADA Board representing Maryland.

The WANADA organization consists of the trade association, a business services corporation, the Auto Dealers Education Institute (ADEI) and the WANADA Community Support Foundation. Among other functions, WANADA produces the Washington Auto Show; WANADA Business Services houses the insurance agency, F.B.O. WANADA employer members; and ADEI oversees the Technician Development Program.

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