Sneak Peek Preview welcomes official Washington to the Auto Show
Sen. Ben Cardin (D-MD) was one of scores of official Washington attending the annual Sneak Peek Preview at The Washington Auto Show (WAS) and was welcomed by NADA for the important role he played in the national dealer effort to exclude franchised dealers from the Finance Reform law last year.
Also making appearances were Secretary of Labor Hilda Solis; Gina McCarthy, EPA assistant administrator; and Margo Oge, EPAs director of transportation air quality. In attendance too, was Maryland former secretary of transportation John Pocari, currently serving as deputy secretary at the U.S. Department of Transportation. Ron Medford, deputy administrator at The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration was also there.
Our Auto Show Sneak Peek Preview is a great way to assemble industry executives and federal establishment leaders all under one roof which facilitates interaction in a relaxed setting among the new vehicles the industry introduces each year, said WAS producer Gerard Murphy.
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