Senate committee to hold hearing on self-driving cars

Senate committee to hold hearing on self-driving cars

The Senate Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation will hold a hearing on autonomous vehicles on March 15, 2016 –Hands Off: The Future of Self-Driving Cars.” Dr. Chris Urmson, director of self-driving cars at Google, will be a witness and will undoubtedly be asked about the February crash with a bus where Google was found to be at fault.

–The hearing will explore advancements in autonomous vehicle technology and its anticipated benefits for Americans,” the committee said. –Witnesses have been asked to testify on their continued efforts to develop automated vehicles, their views on the appropriate role of government in promoting innovation, including removing unnecessary hurdles and their strategy to grow consumer adoption of this new technology.”

Other witnesses are executives from General Motors; Delphi– a leader in autonomous vehicle technology; Lyft; and Duke University. For more information, see

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