Ride-N-Drive gives Auto Showgoers the total experience

Ride-N-Drive gives Auto Showgoers the total experience

The Washington Auto Show (WAS) ventured headlong into the ride-n-drive experience this year as GM, Toyota and Kia Motors provided WAS visitors the opportunity to take in the

full line-up of products for a test drive around The Washington Convention Center neighborhood. Its the kind of experience only an auto show can provide, and attendees took full advantage of the chance to test drive the new vehicles on both weekends of the show as lines formed regularly at the OEMs check-in counters.

Would-be test drivers needed to show only a valid driving permit to give Buicks highly touted 2012 Regal, or Toyotas EV RV4 or Kias 2012 Optima a ten minute spin around the city, returning impressed with the style, drive quality and overall performance of these new models.

We are very pleased with the expansion of ride-n-drive and are hopeful more manufacturers will offer this experience to showgoers next year, said WAS vice chairman Robert Fogarty (Sport Automotive).

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