Rental cars with open safety recalls must be grounded by June 1!

Rental cars with open safety recalls must be grounded by June 1!

Starting June 1, 2016, rental companies with an average of 35 or more vehicles in a rental fleet in a calendar year are barred from renting any vehicles with an unremedied safety recall. The requirement — which does not apply to vehicles over 10,000 lbs.– was passed as part of last yearês national transportation bill, the FAST (Fixing Americaês Surface Transportation) Act.

NADA encourages dealers to:

« Use the or manufacturer VIN-specific lookup tools to regularly check the recall status of all rental and loaner vehicles;

« Refrain from renting or loaning any vehicle subject to an unremedied safety recall if the manufacturer has said in the recall notice that the vehicle should not be driven; and

« Disclose to any prospective renter or borrower the recall status of the rental or loaner vehicle.

Questions to the source at NADA may be directed to, or 703-821-7040.

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