Register now for WANADAs F&I seminars April 25-26

Register now for WANADAs F&I seminars April 25-26

Time is getting short to register for WANADAs special Spring Finance and Insurance Professionals Seminar. You can sign up for either Thursday, April 25 or Friday, April 26. The daylong workshop, intended for both new F&I staff and veterans, is presented by JM&A, WANADAs presenter for the past five years. Topics to be covered include unfair and deceptive trade practices, Truth-in-Lending, Equal Credit Opportunity, rights to privacy and others. Participants who pass the test given at the end of the seminar may receive certification.

Click here for more information and to sign up for the seminar. Questions may be directed to Kristina Henry in the WANADA office at (202) 237-7200 or

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