Really?! Most millennials say itês important to own a car
A new survey strikes down the myth that millennials arenêt interested in owning a car! More than 90 percent of millennials surveyed by Enterprise Holdings say it is extremely or very important to have their own car to accomplish daily work and life tasks. In fact, millennials born in the 1980s and 1990s now account for 27 percent of new vehicle purchasers, according to recent data from J.D. Power and Associates. That means millennials have become the second largest group of new vehicle buyers, after baby- boomers.
Almost one-third of millennials who rented cars from Enterprise, National or Alamo bought a car in the past year, and more than half bought one in the past two years. And perhaps not surprisingly, more than one in four said a positive rental experience made them start car shopping. Nearly half said they experienced new technology for the first time in a rental car.
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