Older drivers crash rates keep dropping, new study shows
Another myth shattered: Older drivers are involved in more crashes. In fact, oldsters are less likely to be involved in accidents than previous generations, and theyre less likely to be killed or seriously injured if they do crash. Thats the conclusion of a new study by the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety.
This should help ease fears that aging baby boomers are a safety threat, says Anne McCartt, the Institutes senior vice president for research and a coauthor of the study. Two of the reasons for the studys conclusion: Autos are safer than in the past, and seniors are healthier.
Accident rates for older drivers have been dropping since 2008. In fact, drivers 70 and older have seen bigger declines in fatal crash rates per licensed driver and per vehicle mile traveled than drivers ages 35 to 54.
Older drivers also increased their average annual miles driven by a greater percentage than middle-aged drivers from 1995 to 2008. That could mean older drivers are more comfortable with driving, as they often self-regulate by cutting back on driving in response to memory and mobility problems, the Institute says.
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