NoVa Rotary and others join to support WANADA Tech Training

NoVa Rotary and others join to support WANADA Tech Training

Rotary clubs and other service organizations from across Northern Virginia have joined in support of WANADAês Auto Dealer Education Instituteês Auto Technician Development Program by delivering a combined donation check to WANADA in the amount of $17,000.

ADEI Technician Development is a two year adult education curriculum that systematically incorporates college level course work in auto technology with on-the-job-training at a sponsoring dealership. The program has operated at Montgomery College in Rockville, Maryland and at Marshall Academy in Falls Church, Virginia involving WANADA dealer sponsors from around the beltway.

At the conclusion of the ADEI program the sponsoring dealer has –home grown” its own productive line technician. Scores of ADEI students have entered the auto technology field in the ten years the program has been operating.

The Rotary governor for District 7610 was on hand for the check presentation, in addition to eight other Northern Virginia Rotary leaders, along with Kiwanis and MESH club representatives.

–This project is an example of service clubs working together to make a difference in our communities,” said Rotary District Governor Janet Brown, speaking at the check presentation ceremony. –Support for vocational training helps our returning veterans and youth who need options other than standard college. Congratulations to WANADA for making this program possible.”

WANADA Vice President Joe Koch echoed Brownês sentiment. –This program will change the lives of the students who successfully complete it, and the service organizations here today are a wonderful example of how to make a difference through community involvement,” he said. Rotary in particular has also been very supportive of ADEI Technician Development on the DC and Maryland side of the Potomac.

Service clubs that contributed to ADEI include Rotary Clubs of Arlington, Falls Church, Baileys Crossroads, Crystal City/Pentagon, Rosslyn/Fort Myer, Tysons Corner, and the Rotary eClub; the Arlington Kiwanis Club, and the Masonic and Eastern Star Home Charities.

Many thanks to Archie Avedisian, WANADAês prime on-staff fundraiser for ADEI. He has recently been helped in his efforts by fellow Rotarian TinTin Raschid in Virginia. MCPS Trade Foundations Director Steve Boden has been especially helpful in ADEI fundraising as well. Fundraising goes far beyond Rotary grants, helpful as those are. So far this year WANADA has gathered an impressive $70,680 in grants for ADEI Technician Development Training.

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