New tour guide, kid-friendly tours added to Auto Show

New tour guide, kid-friendly tours added to Auto Show

In addition to the previously announced tour guides at the Washington Auto Show John H. Davis, Les Jackson, Alvin Jones and William West Hopper automotive expert Mike Collins will lead special kid-friendly tours for the first time this year.

Collins is president of SCCA Pro Racing, the professional racing division of the Sports Car Club of America. A veteran of the United States Marine Corps, Collins has more than 20 years experience in the motorsports and event industries. He is the founder and managing partner of Meathead Racing, one of the largest amateur motorsports teams in the United States. He also launched NexxtShow, a new exhibition company, in 2011 and served as its senior vice president. Collins also boasts many years of hands-on experience on The Washington Auto Show management team.

He will lead kid-friendly tours on Saturday, Jan. 28, at 11 a.m; Monday, Jan. 30, at 6 p.m., and Tuesday, Jan. 31, at 6 p.m. See for details about other tour guides and their tours.

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