NADA takes exception with USA Today editors support of Teslas retail model
From the editorial page of the July 16, 2013 edition of USA Today, news editors wrote that Car buyers shouldnt have to go to a middle man and Dealers try to thwart Teslas sales strategy. On the same editorial page, NADA president Peter Welch took exception saying, Franchise dealers deliver best results and Let states set the rules for auto retailing.
This weeks USA Today write-up supporting Teslas ongoing campaign to sell its cars without dealers is the latest in what clearly is a full court public relations/public affairs press by the new luxury niche auto maker and its billionaire CEO to have its way. A month ago, a Washington Post editorial with a similar perspective to USA Today (A bump in the road for Tesla, June 13) ran and was countered by a letter to the editor from WANADAs Gerard Murphy (Tesla should recognize auto dealers importance, June 18).
Tesla also has been in front of state legislatures and state motor vehicle agencies, including Virginias DMV where the commissioner recently turned down Teslas plan to retail its cars without a dealer in Tysons Corner.
The USA Today our view/opposing view editorial page from July 16 along with additional comments from NADA can be seen by clicking here.
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