NADA challenges National Labor Relations Board on proposed notice requirement
A proposed mandate that businesses put up a poster with detailed information on employees rights under the National Labor Relations Act (NLRA) is an overreach on the part of the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) and another posting burden small business does not need, NADA has told the agency.
NADA made the comment in a written filing to the agency which says the posting is required under Department of Labor rulemaking mandating that federal government contractors post a NLRA rights notice as a condition of their contracts. NADA says few, if any, dealerships contract with the federal government and that dealership employees already have available to them virtually limitless sources of information on the NLRA and the NLRB.
The NLRBs proposed poster outlines in great detail various aspects of an employees right in connection with the organization and certification of a union. NADA says that approach is patently unfair as it contains almost no information explaining an employees right to seek decertification of an established union, or such rights as not pay dues in a right-to-work state, standing to sue a union for unfair representation, and the prerogative of a secret ballot election.
There has never been a period of less practical justification for a posting mandate in the 75 year history of the NLRA, NADA said, and this is no more than the NLRB proposing a fix for something that isnt broken.
In objecting to the rulemaking, NADA joined in with the Coalition for a Democratic Workplace, which had earlier challenged the NLRB on its proposal.
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