MD MVA Dealer Advisory panel gains solid footing with new MVA administrator

MD MVA Dealer Advisory panel gains solid footing with new MVA administrator

Franchised and independent auto dealers assembled last week with the new Maryland Motor Vehicle Administrationês administrator, Christine Nizer, and her senior staff for the second meeting of the recently formed Dealer Advisory Forum to MVA. The Dealer Advisory Forumês purpose is to bring regulators who enforce vehicle sales laws into regular contact with the stateês auto dealers who make the automobile business happen for the benefit of Maryland vehicle consumers everywhere.

The four Maryland new vehicle dealers on the Advisory Panel are: J.P. Bishop, Bob Bell Automotive, chairman of MADA; Dick Patterson, RRR Automotive, chairman of WANADA; Geoff Pohanka, Pohanka Automotive; and Paul Ritchie, Hagerstown Honda. There are three independent auto dealer representatives, also, bringing the total number of auto dealers to seven who serve on the panel.

Topics covered at the Advisory Forum included: 1) The new Maryland law on vehicle credit sales, or –spot deliveries,” and the related questions about how MVA will enforce the law, scheduled to take effect October 1. 2) Used vehicle inspector certification tests administered by the state police. 3) Fair automotive advertising. 4) Background checks for licensed sales representatives. 5) The prospect of –bright line” legal triggers on the dealersê obligation to disclose pre-existing vehicle damage to consumers.

Procedural themes were: Establishing universally understood best practices for the industry; the need for clarity and specificity in MVAês vehicle sales laws; and regular, coordinated communication from MVA regulators to vehicle dealers. On this last point, Ms. Nizer said MVA would develop alerts and newsletters to dealers, calling upon MADA, WANADA and the independent dealer associations for input, prior to MVAês publication to ensure the industry and agency are –all on the same page.”

The dealers on MVAês Advisory Forum expressed their appreciation for Ms. Nizer stepping-up as administrator for MVA which happened last month given her nine year background in other senior MVA positions, along with her experience with the Maryland Public Service Commission, and her still earlier experience at the federal level with Homeland Security.

–The Dealer Advisory Forum Chrissy Nizer is personally directing as MVA administrator holds limitless promise for public/private sector success between MVA and Maryland dealers so Maryland car and truck consumers get their due from our auto industry,” said Dick Patterson, WANADA chairman and panelist on MVAês Auto Dealer Forum.

Washington area dealers will be receiving a punch-list from WANADA on the logistics of Marylandês new spot delivery law this week relative to the upcoming October 1 effective date.

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