It’s January and the state legislatures have convened their annual sessions in Maryland and Virginia to consider new laws in the public interest. State delegates and senators from across each jurisdiction assembled for legislative business last week in Annapolis and Richmond, respectively. Maryland legislators are in for 90 days each year, while Virginia legislators are in 60 days in even numbered years, and 30 days in odd numbered years, 2018 being a 60 day session in the commonwealth.
Virginia starts its 2018 General Assembly session with a new governor, Ralph Northam, a Democrat, with both houses of the General Assembly controlled by Republicans. The reverse is true in Maryland, with Republican Governor Larry Hogan working with a Democrat controlled General Assembly.
As it does every year, WANADA is working with its sister dealer associations in Maryland and Virginia, MADA and VADA, to advance the dealers interest in the legislative process. Stay tuned!