WANADA is offering legal and ethical standards training and certification courses for salespeople and managers, to be held on June 25 (for sales staff) and June 26 (for sales managers). Trainers from JM&A Group, an automotive finance and insurance services provider, will give sales personnel overview on critical compliance and regulatory issues that are being enforced by the federal government and the states/localities in this region, including the Gramm-Leach Bliley Act, the Equal Credit Opportunity Act, and much more.
Attendees will also get the chance to participate in real-life exercises using true case studies to learn how to make sure they’re always compliant, no matter what specific situation they encounter at the showroom. At the end of the course, participants will have the chance to take an online legal exam to earn a certificate of participation for taking part in this event.
The workshops cost $100 each, and will be held at the WANADA office in Northwest Washington. For more, information, and to register, click here. In addition, JM&A is offering special discounts to WANADA members for their online courses for compliance managers, comptrollers, and more. For questions, please contact Kathy Teich at kt@wanada.org, or by calling 202-237-7200.
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