Highway Bill Includes Stars on Cars Provision

In addition to billions of dollars in funding for road construction and mass-transit, the $295 billion highway bill recently pass by the Senate yesterday includes a –Stars on Cars” provision requiring automakers to start printing crash-test data on the stickers of all new cars. Under the proposed rule, introduced by Sen. Mike DeWine (R-OH), the NHTSAês –star” crash-safety and rollover ratings would be added to the familiar new-car window sticker that currently lists price, fuel efficiency and other details about the vehicle, according to The Wall Street Journal.

Consumer groups strongly support –Stars on Cars.” Automakers are taking no public position on the proposal.

Should the bill pass into law, however, The Journal says –lobbyists for the auto industry are expected to work hard to influence the final look of the sticker. In particular, industry officials worry about overloading buyers with too much data and have suggested that some information is best kept on the Internet instead of on window stickers.”

The fate of –Stars on Cars” is now up to a House-Senate conference committee. The conference panel will also decide on a number of other auto-related safety measures supported by the Senate but not favored by the House. They include regulations to toughen vehicle roof strength, enhance vehicle stability during a rollover and prevent ejection; new studies on backover accidents and other crashes that happen at homes and off highways; and the phase-out of “rocker” power-window switches.

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