Hands-on Contest returns to Auto Show with Hyundai Sonata

Hands-on Contest returns to Auto Show with Hyundai Sonata

The Hands-On Contest returns to the Washington Auto Show (WAS), with organizers fielding another group of determined contestants looking to win a brand new Hyundai Sonata.

The Hands-On Contest, in which Auto Show contestants must stay in physical contact with the prized vehicle for several days, first wowed Washingtonians in 1999 when the match came down to a test of wills between two officers from the Army and Navy. This yearês contest will begin Tuesday, January 27, and end at noon on Sunday, February 1.

For the 2015 Hands-On Contest, the Washington Auto Show will update the classic event with various challenges to keep the contestants guessing and everyone entertained.

–The Hands-On Contest is a hallmark of the Washington Auto Show that puts the thrill of winning a new car literally within armês reach,” said Kevin Reilly, chairman of the 2015 Washington Auto Show. –We thank the Washington Area Hyundai Dealers for sponsoring this contest and allowing us to showcase Hyundaiês cutting edge technology and award-winning products.”

For a chance to compete in the WAS Hands-On Contest, area residents may register through www.washingtonautoshow.com no later than Sunday, January 18, at 6 p.m. Prospective contestants will be asked to provide a short explanation of why they want to compete and why they want to win the car. Thirty applicants will be chosen from that pool of registrants to qualify for the next round, from which a final group of 10 will be screened and selected by WAS organizers to participate in the final stage of the competition.

Up for grabs this year, is a brand new 2015 Hyundai Sonata SE, boasting a 185-hp, 2.4L GDI

4-cylinder engine. Contest rules require that all participants remain connected to the car for the duration of the contest. The last person remaining in physical contact with the prize vehicle will likely win it. With more than one contestant going the distance in the contest the winner will be determined by drawing.

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