DOL issues notices for health care reform law
The U.S. Department of Labor last week issued temporary guidance on the forms employers are required to provide to their workers about the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (a.k.a. health care reform.) Companies with 50 or more employees must provide each employee with information about the state and federally-facilitated health insurance exchanges and how to request assistance, explain the availability of a premium tax credit (if applicable) and outline what occurs if an employee decides to buy a health plan through an exchange.
The deadline for the notice to be distributed was originally March 1. Now it appears that notices will be distributed in the late summer or early fall.
DOL has also issued these model notices:
Model notice for employers who offer a health plan to some or all employees
Model notice for employers who do not offer a health plan
COBRA model election notice
COBRA model election notice redline version
Dealers with questions may call John ODonnell in the WANADA office, 202-237-7200, or email him at
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