Dealer assn. reps join MD Democrats at DNC

Dealer assn. reps join MD Democrats at DNC

WANADA reps joined NADA for portions of this weekês Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia. Specifically, John OêDonnell and Gerry Murphy of WANADA were on hand for the Maryland Celebration Breakfast on the second day of the DNC having teamed up with MADA and our Annapolis lobbyists Rifkin Weiner Livingston. The full gamut of Maryland political leadership was on hand at the breakfast from members of Congress, legislative leaders from the General Assembly and local leaders from counties and cities. Senators Barbara Mikulski and Ben Cardin presented remarks, with good wishes expressed by House Minority Leader Steny Hoyer, Congressmen Chris Van Hollen (soon to be Sen. Van Hollen), John Delaney and Donna Edwards. Maryland Senate president Mike Miller was also on hand as was Attorney General Brian Frosh and his predecessor Doug Gansler.

–The opportunity to get up with the lionês share of Marylandês political leadership was easy to do by catching the early morning train to the DNC in Philadelphia for breakfast,” said John OêDonnell. He and Murphy met up with Mike Johansen of Rifkin Wiener to board the 5:16 am train north from BWI.

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