DCs proposed rule on personalized tags for organizations

DCês proposed rule on personalized tags for organizations

The DC Department of Motor Vehicles has issued proposed rules on organizational car tags. Here is the main part of the proposal. –The Director” refers to the Director of the Department of Motor Vehicles.

–The Director shall reject any proposed organizational tag or rescind the issuance of any organizational tag that conveys a message, or displays an image, that is confusing or offensive to the general public.

The Director shall reject or rescind the issuance of any organizational tag with a design or combination of letter or numbers that:

(a) Is vulgar, derogatory, profane, scatological or obscene, with any connotation, in any language;

(b) Connote, in any language, breast, genitalia, pubic area, or buttocks or relate to sexual or eliminatory functions;

(c) Connote, in any language, (i) any illicit drug, narcotic, intoxicant, or related paraphernalia; (ii) the sale, user, or purveyor of such a substance; or (iii) the physiological state produced by such a substance;

(d) Refer, in any language, to a race, religion, color, deity, ethnic heritage, gender, sexual orientation, disability status, or political affiliation;

(e) Suggest, in any language, a government or governmental agency;

(f) Suggest, in any language, a privilege not given by law in this state; or

(g) Form, in an language, a slang term, abbreviation, phonetic spelling or mirror image of a word described in this subsection.”

Anyone who wants to comment on the proposed rules should file comments, in writing to David Glasser, General Counsel, DC Department of Motor Vehicles, 95 M St., SW, Suite 300, Washington, DC 20024, by email at dmvpubliccomments@dc.gov, or online at www.dcregs.dc.gov. Comments must be received no later than 30 days after the publication of the notice in the DC Register.

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