Another short-term measure likely for road funding

Another short-term measure likely for road funding

With federal transportation funding set to run out October 29 and no agreement at this writing, prospects look dim for the long-term bill that all parties say they want. A letter from 19 governors to members of Congress is the latest show of support for multiyear funding.

The Senate passed a multiyear highway bill this summer, and the House was scheduled to mark up a six-year bill in committee October 22. But that did not leave enough time for the full House to vote on a bill that would have to be reconciled with the Senate bill.

The main obstacle is finding a source of funding. There is no appetite in Congress for raising the gas tax for the first time in more than 20 years, although several states have raised theirs. Hopes seemed high earlier in the year for a measure that would use the revenue from a tax on overseas corporate profits to fund transportation, but that didnêt work out. So weêre likely looking at another short-term measure because everyone understands that something must be passed so roads and bridges can continue to be built and repaired.

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