Announcing the WANADA/KPA 90 Day Test Drive

Announcing the WANADA/KPA –90 Day Test Drive”

For the next 3 months only, dealers enrolling with KPA have the opportunity to –test drive” KPAês services with a money back guarantee.

Over the years WANADA has encouraged its members to adopt safety and environmental practices that would not only ensure regulatory compliance, but also create a safer working environment for the dealershipês employees. While those dealers who have adopted safety and environmental programs have found them beneficial, many have found sustaining these programs over the long haul to be very difficult. Employees leave, or programs are incomplete, and before long the program no longer meets the requirements of the regulators or is beneficial to the dealership and its employees.

Thatês why WANADA and KPA, WANADAês endorsed provider of safety and environmental compliance services, are offering this 90-day trial period so that dealers can view, firsthand, KPAês services with no obligation. For more information on this program, see the letter and registration form enclosed with this WANADA Bulletin, or contact Nick Champeau at WANADA, (202) 237-7200.

Download Bulletin PDF