AM/FM radio still rocks in cars

AM/FM radio still rocks in cars

Donêt pull your radio ads yet. A large majority of Americans 84 percent use AM/FM radio as their audio entertainment over new technology options, a recent survey by Ipsos shows. And theyêre tuning in frequently 62 percent say they listen to the radio at least once a day in their cars. Similarly, 64 percent of Americans still use a CD player in the car.

–Our studies show that despite all the technological advances weêve made when it comes to digital listening, the vast majority of Americans still prefer AM/FM radio overall and especially expect it to be a part of their cars. In fact, virtually all said they wouldnêt buy a car without a radio,” said Thomas Spinelli, vice president with Ipsos MediaCT. –However, as new vehicles roll out, many of which are equipped with built-in digital music services, we may see a shift in how Americans are thinking about listening in their cars.”

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