ADEI Student Receives Top Honors at Montgomery College

ADEI Student Receives Top Honors at Montgomery College

[I]WANADA Run Tech-Training Program has a Number of Excellent Candidates Available for Hire[/I]

Tim Petro, a second year student in WANADAs Automobile Dealer Education Institute (ADEI) Technician Training Program received the Presidential Apprenticeship Scholar Award at graduation ceremonies at Montgomery College this week. Dr. Hercules Pinkney, interim president MC, made the presentation which is awarded to students who demonstrate academic excellence in their work.

Petro is one of 28 students ADEI is mentoring at its NATEF Certified Technician Training Program at Montgomery College. The program involves fulltime work in the service department at a participating dealership and one day of in-classroom studies at Montgomery College. ADEI has had over 200 students in its program and currently has a number of highly qualified candidates looking to enter the program by being employed at a dealership.

WANADA members should know that there are significant federal and state incentives available in 2010 when hiring entry-level technicians that would qualify for the ADEI program. These include the waiver of the employer provided social security benefit and a $1,000 federal tax for new employees who stay with the company for a year. Additionally, Maryland is offering a tax credit of up to $5,000 for hiring the unemployed or a new employee.

ADEI recruits and pre-screens entry level technicians for placement in its program and mentors their progress while they work and go to school.

The fee for dealerships to participate is just $1,000 per semester, which experience has shown to be readily recovered through employee generated service revenue in less than 45 days! Participating fixed operations managers also note that utilizing ADEI technician trainees allows them to maximize service department profitability by having the right person for the right job.

For more information on growing your own line technician, WANADA members should contact Bill Belew, program manager or Jake Kelderman, ADEI Director at (202)-237-7200.

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