A Soldiers Story

As we reported in the April 5, 2005 WANADA Bulletin, the WANADA Apprentice Training Program has recruited its first two Armed Forces veterans. Shawn Stanley, a former Marine who served in Kuwait and who is now an apprentice at Ourismanês Rockmont Chevrolet, was an impressive speaker at the kickoff meeting.

A trumpet player in the Marine Bugle Corps, Stanley said he realized that a music career wasnêt realistic. –Itês an inverse situation to auto technicians a big supply and little demand for musicians,” he said. He looked into technical schools, but being recently married with –adult responsibilities,” he didnêt feel he could afford the difference between what the VA would cover and what he would have to pay. Then he heard about WANADAês apprenticeship program.

–It sounded great,” said Stanley. –I would get to go to school and not pay tuition, and I would still be able to work and cover my adult responsibilities. So here I am. It has worked out really well. Iêve learned a lot and already knocked out one ASE test. And I am blessed to be with a great mentor who has really taught me a lot. Iêm going to take advantage of that and try to learn everything I can.”

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